@echo off java -classpath C:\CycleCnt;C:\CycleCnt\cyclecnt\pg73jdbc3.jar;C:\Progra~1\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\rt.jar cyclecnt.client.CycleCnt %1 REM REM This is a Microsoft Windows command prompt batch file. REM REM This script invokes the Java Virtual Machine with class REM cyclecnt.client.CycleCnt.class. It also passes in a Fixture ID REM as a parameter. REM REM This script is called from within an ICT test program, and increments REM counters in a RDBMS. The counters corresponds to the number of times REM the fixture and tester have undergone vacuum activation. REM REM The Fixture ID parameter is the 5 digit label on the fixture. This ID REM is always 5 digits in length, and includes leading 0's if needed. Examples REM are 00001, 01234 and 56789. REM REM This script exists solely to de-couple the calling interface from the REM underlying implementation. In other words, if it's necessary to change REM the actual CycleCnt program, perhaps to migrate it to a different language, REM or place the executable in a different path, only this script has to change. REM Thus, no client ICT test programs have to be modified to invoke the REM modified executable correctly. REM REM Another benefit of this script is that if the implementation fails REM catastrophically for some reason (for example, the RDBMS server dies) REM then this script can quickly be re-configured to simply exit, without REM invoking CycleCnt.